The circle shapes in the logo stand for foam, connection, and natural fire.

K.C. Antincendi is an Italian business that focuses on industrial fire protection using foam. It is a special extinguishing method that is mainly used at large refineries and in the chemical industry. In other words, situations where a constant risk of fire is on the horizon. K.C. Antincendi is one of the leading parties in this market and is known in short as 'KCA.'

Since the Italian family name and the corporate identity that goes along with that did not do justice to the company's international position anymore, the demand for a new logo and corporate identity emerged. During identity workshops with the board and marketing, the DNA of the company was accurately unraveled.  workshops met directie en marketing werd het DNA van het bedrijf nauwkeurig uiteen gerafeld.


The challenge

  • Determination of the new brand strategy and positioning: KCA. Flexibility you can depend on.

  • Design of the new KCA logotype

  • Design and execution of the complete KCA brand identity

  • Set up the brand identity guidelines

  • Development of all marketing collateral that is in use

  • Design and develop a new multilingual website

  • Adjusting all signage, product labeling, et cetera

Our solution